To be a successful Papa Pal, you must demonstrate that you are dependable. Follow the steps below for each visit to establish trust and work toward building a meaningful connection with your members.
Step 1: Only accept visits you can complete
Once your Background Check is approved, you can start accepting visits through the Papa Pal app. Remember, Papa members rely on Pals like you to provide vital social support and companionship so please be thoughtful when accepting visits and only commit to those that work for your schedule.
Step 2: Review and confirm visit details
After accepting a visit, review the visit details in the Papa Pal app. Read through the visit tasks, important notes, and the member’s Health Plan Resource, if available. This resource shares additional helpful information about the member’s benefits.

The day before your visit, call the member to introduce yourself and confirm the visit details. This call will be made using our masked numbers feature, so your real phone number will remain private.
Use the example script to help guide the confirmation call:
“Hello, is (Member’s Name) available? Hi (Member’s Name), this is (Your Name) and I am calling on behalf of Papa. I will be your Papa Pal tomorrow at (time) and just wanted to confirm a few of the details. Does that time still work? I understand that I will be assisting you with (tasks listed), is this correct? Is there anything else you would like me to know for our visit? Can I answer any questions? Ok, I’ll be driving a (car color and make), so you will see me pull in front of your home when it’s time for our visit. I’m really looking forward to our time tomorrow, see you at (time)”
After making this call, if you feel uncomfortable or think that you are not the right Papa Pal for the member you can cancel the visit by contacting Papa support.
Step 3: Plan accordingly
Once you know the visit details, you can begin to plan accordingly. Take these preparations to make sure you are ready for your upcoming visit:
- What to Wear or Bring: Make sure you are comfortable and look presentable. Wear closed-toed shoes and bring things like a jacket or umbrella in case of rain during a walk with your member. If you are helping a member with tasks such as light gardening or cleaning, request the member provide the necessary tools to do the work.
- Vehicle Condition: Always make sure to use the vehicle you registered during your application process. Keep your car clean and have room for the member and anything they are bringing or picking up.
- Plan Your Route: Get clear directions to the visit location, particularly if it is in an unfamiliar neighborhood. If you anticipate driving in an area with poor cell phone coverage, consider printing out directions or carrying a map.
- Charge Your Phone: Make sure your phone is fully charged and operational. It's a good idea to keep a charger in your car in case of emergencies.
Step 4: Let us know you are on the way
If you are driving to a visit, tap “On My Way” as you begin your trip so that Papa knows that you are on the way to the visit. If commute mileage reimbursement applies in your state, it will also help to ensure you are paid correctly.
Follow these quick tips to ensure getting to the visit safely and on time:
- Get clear directions to the visit location, especially if it’s a new or unfamiliar part of town.
- Pay attention to traffic and give yourself enough time for the commute.
- Enable location services within the settings of your phone.
- Share where you are going and your real-time location with family and friends
Step 5: What to do during the visit
Upon arrival at the visit location and just before the visit begins, open the app and tap on the ‘Start Visit’ button. Review the visit tips, select “I Understand” and you are all set to begin.
As the visit starts, take a moment to introduce yourself and remind the member that you are a Papa Pal who is there to assist them with the tasks listed on the visit. Go over the tasks together and ask where they would like you to begin. If they request a visit task that isn’t what you accepted and confirmed on the app or isn’t approved, politely let them know that they should contact Papa support. For more on how to respond to situations like this, review our "How to Handle Visit Tasks that Aren’t Approved" guide.
As you complete the visit tasks, take time to observe the member’s environment and assess any needs they might have. You will have an opportunity to share these observations once your visit ends.
Step 6: Share visit and member insights/feedback
After completing the tasks and the visit, tap ‘Complete Visit’ at the bottom of the task screen. Confirm which main tasks you completed and provide a rating and feedback on your visit. This is a perfect place to include additional insights about the member and their needs that you believe Papa should know. Things you may want to include in your visit feedback:
- Health status, including mental health and mood
- Risks or needs, including any concerns with their living conditions
- Basic hygiene, including the member having adequate food or clean, appropriate clothing
- The condition of a member's home
- Change in a member's behavior or physical appearance
- Signs of abuse or neglect in a member's home
This step is so important as it helps to ensure Papa is providing the best support to its members and considering all the ways to improve the member and Pal experience. Once done with the feedback screen, click Submit!
Learn more about providing helpful feedback here.